The Simpsons, a beloved American animated sitcom that has been entertaining audiences for over three decades, has gained a reputation for its surprising ability to predict real-life events. Whether it's politics, technology, or pop culture, the show appears to have an uncanny knack for foreseeing what lies ahead. In this blog, let's explore some of The Simpsons' most famous predictions and uncover the truth behind this intriguing phenomenon.
Now let's talk about this show that has created a buzz. Just to be clear, I'm not going to say anything off the cuff; I'll lay all the evidence out for you. You decide whether to freak out or just scratch your head.
Exactly, Back in 2012, at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, it made a groundbreaking discovery. Yeah, the "God Particle" caused a total frenzy in the science world. The real name of this God Particle is the Higgs boson, and they spent 9 billion dollars trying to find it. But what these scientists didn’t know was that someone had already figured out the formula to calculate the mass of the Higgs boson. You won’t believe who it was! When I found out, I was blown away. It was predicted by none other than the Simpsons! You know, that cartoon series that’s been around since December 1989. The show is still in production and believe it or not, it hasn't stopped yet. It's the longest-running animated show in TV history.
Now let's talk about the "Hicks Boson" from Season 10, Episode 2 of The Simpsons, In this episode, Homer is writing some formula on a board, and that formula you're looking at is for calculating the mass of the Higgs boson. That means the writers of The Simpsons knew about this formula 14 years in advance. How is that even possible? What were those writers thinking?
But before I get into that, let me tell you, the writers of The Simpsons weren't your average folks. They were highly intellectual.
Three among them had PhDs—one in science, another in mathematics. In this scene, where Homer has become a scientist and is writing a formula on the blackboard, I get that it’s supposed to be the formula for calculating the mass of the Higgs boson. But honestly, that formula was totally off. Some creators just tossed in a "God formula" without even knowing what that really means, because when it comes to particle-level calculations, there’s a huge gap. Now you might be thinking, if the episode creators wanted, they could have written anything nonsense on the board, so why did they...
Hold on, let me explain. The writer of this show, David X. Cohen, was not just imaginative; he was also a physicist with a master’s in computer science and a PhD in mathematics. David was a smart guy who loved math and physics. So when he was working on this episode, he really made sure that any math formulas used were either spot on or at least close enough. To get it right, he first called up his scientist friends who were already working on the Higgs boson. The formula was given by his friends, and he stuck it on his blackboard here.
Alright, let's move on to the next prediction: The Simpsons already talked about FaceTime and smart watches . What do you think, is your brain sitting in the fridge? If you don’t take this seriously, just do a quick Google search. Back in the day, this huge U.S. telecom company started working on picture phone booths around 1965, similar to our STD booths. But they didn’t really take off, so they shut down the project in 1973. This technology was invented even before The Simpsons was on air, while the writers were still drinking milk. So, here’s the deal: take this conspiracy seriously!
It's honestly laughable right now because what the Simpsons writers made as a joke is being taken seriously by some people. In that episode, they just imagined a situation where if Trump became president, the country's treasury would run out. That’s all they said...
This was said with a bit of sarcasm because a year before this episode aired, in 1999, Trump had left the Republican Party and joined the Reform Party. At that time, Trump was pretty sure he would get nominated for president, and he had been doing a lot of high-profile campaigning, attending interviews, and giving podcasts. Trump was trying to create a public persona that could be both funny and meaningful.
This all
took place a year before that episode aired. When the episode came out in 2000,
the smart and clever writers of The Simpsons joked about how if Trump was
president for five years, it would lead to disaster. It didn't happen, though;
it was more like around 2015 when it seemed to become true. Honestly, the
Simpsons writers were never fans of Trump.

The real deal is that when Donald Trump got
nominated for president in 2015, the Simpsons released a short video called
" Trumptastic voyage ." They made it just to mock Trump's rallies,
claiming that his voters were bought. That animated video came out after they
had already shot that clip of Trump coming down the stairs.
1998 Simpsons episode where Homer goes to a director with a script, and in that episode, Fox was joked about as being a division of Disney. It was all just a joke in that episode.
Creators and writers joked that if Disney could buy ABC, one day they’d buy Fox too. Little did they know, 19 years later, something like that was actually going to happen.
When the deal went down, the creator of the episode even tweeted that it was a funny coincidence, hinting that some conspiracy theorists on YouTube would blow it way out of proportion. This guy wrote it, and he actually used to work at Fox Studios during the season. This is the only episode he wrote; the rest were written by different people.
The Simpsons cartoon even predicted the date of Queen Elizabeth's death. Some people will be shocked, but for some creators, it's just...
Making money from bread has become a thing. Alright, let me break it down for you—this image was fake. After Queen Elizabeth passed away, they predicted this image. You know, in Season 4, Episode 21 of The Simpsons, they showed the coronavirus pandemic. But listen up, guys, The Simpsons never even mentioned the coronavirus in any of their episodes. Sure, they talked about the flu, but if they mentioned anything after 2020, we have no idea. But some idiots went and edited it, they couldn’t leave it alone. Just look at what they wrote about the coronavirus in the background.
"Hey, I just wanted to say, don’t let your mind get rusty. All this conspiracy stuff on YouTube and those short videos, don’t take it at face value. Check things out for yourself!
How does "The Simpsons" appear to predict future events?
Many of the so-called predictions made by "The Simpsons" are either coincidences or reflect recurring human behaviors. The show's seemingly prophetic moments often arise from its sharp incorporation of pop culture and current events, not from any supernatural foresight.
Are there any predictions made by "The Simpsons" that have not yet occurred?
One of the futuristic scenarios depicted in "The Simpsons" involves mass automation and robots replacing human jobs, a concept introduced in a 2012 episode. While automation is increasingly common, the more extreme scenario of a robot uprising has not yet materialized.
What cryptocurrency was predicted by "The Simpsons"?
The Simpsons" mentioned the cryptocurrency XRP as a future currency in one of its episodes, suggesting its relevance in future financial contexts.